S- carpocapsae

Control of white grub Hoplia philanthus with entomopathogenic nematodes by Ganpati Jagdale

Efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes including Heterorhabditis bacteriophora CLO51 strain, H. megidis VBM30 strain, H. indica, Steinernema scarabaei, S. feltiae, S. arenarium, S. carpocapsae Belgian strain, S. glaseri Belgian and NC strains was tested against larval pupal stages a white grub, Hoplia philanthus under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, H. megidis and both strains of S. glaseri showed highest virulence against third stage larvae and pupae whereas Belgium strain of S. glaseri showed high virulence against second stage larvae of H. philanthus under laboratory conditions whereas H. bacteriophora, Belgium strains of S. glaseri and S. scarabaei showed high virulence to third stage than second stage larvae of white grubs under greenhouse conditions.


Ansari, M.A., Adhikari, B.N., Ali, F. and Moens, M. 2008. Susceptibility of Hoplia philanthus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) larvae and pupae to entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae, Heterorhabditidae). Biological Control. 47: 315-321.

Kill cereal leaf beetles, Oulema melanopus with entomopathogenic nematodes by Ganpati Jagdale

Recently, it has been demonstrated that the entomopathogenic nematodes including Steinernema feltiae strain B30, S. carpocapsae strain C101, and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora strain D54 have a potential to use as biological control agents against cereal leaf beetles (Oulema melanopus), which is a most common pest of many cereal crops including barley, corn, oats, wheat, rye, millet and rice.

For more information on interaction between entomopathogenic nematodes and cereal leaf beetles read following research paper.

Laznik, Z., Toth, I., Lakatos, T., Vidrih, M. and Trdan, S. 2010.  Oulema melanopus (L.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) adults are susceptible to entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida) attack: results from a laboratory study. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection. 117: 30-32.