Heterorhabditid nematodes

A report of entomopathogenic nematodes from Iran by Ganpati Jagdale

A survey conducted during 2006 and 2008 showed the presence of both heterorhabditid and steinernematid nematodes in the Arasbaran forests and rangelands, Iran.  Based on both morphological and molecular characteristics, heterorhabditid isolates were identified as Heterorhabditis bacteriophora whereas the steinernematid isolates were identified as Steinerenma carpocapsae, S. bicornutum, S. feltiae, S. glaseri, S. kraussei. For more information on the survey methodology nematode identification techniques read following paper.

Nikdel, M., Niknam, G., Griffin, C.T. and Kary, N.E. 2010. Diversity of entomopathogenic nematodes (Nematoda: Steinernematidae, Heterorhabditidae) from Arasbaran forests and rangelands in north-west Iran.  Nematology 12: 767-773.

Symbiotic bacteria of Heterorhabdits nematodes- Photorhabdus species by Ganpati Jagdale

  1. Heterorhabditis amazonensis- undescribed
  2. H. argentinensis- P. temperata
  3. H. bacteriophora- Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. laumondii TT01, P. luminescens kayaii subsp. nov., P. luminescens thracensis subsp. nov., P. temperate
  4. H. baujardi- undescribed
  5. H. brevicaudis- P. luminescens
  6. H. downesi- Photorhabdus sp
  7. H. floridensis- undescribed
  8. H. georgiana- undescribed
  9. H. hambletoni- undescribed
  10. H. hawaiiensis- P. luminescens
  11. H. heliothidis- undescribed
  12. H. hepialius- P. luminescens
  13. H. hoptha- undescribed
  14. H. indica- P. luminescens
  15. H. marelata- P. luminescens
  16. H. megidis- P. temperata subsp. temperata XlNach
  17. H. mexicana- undescribed
  18. H. poinari- Photorhabdus sp
  19. H. safricana- undescribed
  20. H. taysearae- undescribed
  21. H. zealandica- P. temperata

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